TDI Technical Diver Training in Thailand

Technical Diving International

TDI (technical Diving International) is the largest “tech only” focused certification agency in the world. Since it began in 1992 TDI has focused on developing programs which previously were not available to the public. TDI was one of the first agencies to provide training in mixed gas diving and then rebreather training.

TDI have also become leaders in Overhead Environment diver training including courses in Advanced Wreck, Cave Diving and Mine Diving.

Many of the worlds top underwater explorers have done training with TDI to enable them to dive in some of the harshest environments known to man.

Between us at Tech Dive Asia the team can teach the largest selection of TDI courses in Thailand from beginner levels through to Instructor levels.

There are two main equipment configurations for Open Circuit Technical Diving. You can either dive Sidemount, where you wear the scuba cylinders on your side from 1-5 tanks, or you can dive on a twinset, often referred to as doubles, or double cylinders, meaning two tanks banded together with a manifold on your back.

If you want to dive sidemount for your technical courses then completing a Sidemount Diver course is a prerequisite.

TDI Technical Diving International Course Flow Chart
TDI Technical Diving International Course Flow Chart

Sidemount Diver

Sidemount, as the name implies, involves carrying the tank on your side rather than your back. Sidemount Diving is often referred to as a gateway to Technical Diving due to the training including many technical diving fundamental skill and the flexibility and redundancy available by carrying two cylinders while offering increased convenience in equipment logistics.

TDI Sidemount Diver: 3 days. 23,900.
Day 1: Classroom / Pool.
Day 2/3: Three Dives.

Intro To Tech

This course aims to acquaint students with technical equipment setups, on either double cylinders or sidemount, refine fundamental diving techniques (including buoyancy control, trim, propulsion methods, and situational awareness), and introduce advanced gas management strategies within a no-decompression framework. Core topics encompass physics, physiology, equipment selection and setup, dive planning, and dive protocols.

Foe an experienced diver or a scuba instructor getting into technical diving this course may at your Technical Instructors discretion, be passed over and you may be able to advance straight to the TDI Advanced Nitrox course.

TDI Intro to Tech: 2 days. 16,900.
Day 1: Classroom / Pool.
Day 2: Three Dives.

Advanced Nitrox

After completing your Intro to Tech or Sidemount Diver certification, the next step is advancing to courses like TDI Advanced Nitrox, enabling dives up to 40 meters without decompression, utilizing a single stage deco scuba tank for simulated decompression stops. Advanced Nitrox training empowers you to extend bottom times by incorporating additional scuba cylinders. While mastering the physics and dive physiology is crucial, these courses also focus on practical aspects such as dive planning and executing the plan effectively.

TDI Advanced Nitrox Diver: 3 days. 24,900.
Day 1: Classroom / Pool.
Day 2/3: Three Dives.

Decompression Procedures

In Decompression Procedures, divers delve into real decompression, with sessions lasting a maximum of 20 minutes. This course is designed to equip divers with the skills to meticulously plan and execute a standard staged decompression dive. Covering essential topics like equipment prerequisites, gear configurations, decompression methodologies, and decompression gas mixtures (including Oxygen and Nitrox), participants gain comprehensive knowledge and hands-on experience crucial for safe and effective decompression diving.

TDI Decompression Procedures Diver: 3 days. 23,900.
Day 1: Classroom / Pool.
Day 2/3: Three Dives.

Extended Range

Following the foundational technical diving courses like Advanced Nitrox and Decompression Procedures, divers can explore deeper depths using helitrox deep air diving courses such as Extended Range or by incorporating Helium into their Decompression Procedures training to become certified as Helitrox divers. Helium may incur additional costs but has enhanced safety, mitigating the effects of inert gas narcosis associated with diving on air.

TDI Extended Range Diver: 4 days. 44,900.
Day 1: Classroom / Pool.
Day 2/3/4: Three Dives.

Trimix Diver and Advanced Trimix Diver

Diving deeper introduces more challenges. Nitrogen narcosis poses significant risks, and oxygen toxicity is even more perilous. Reducing the oxygen percentage in the gas mixture allows for deeper dives without risking oxygen toxicity. Similarly, with proper training, substituting nitrogen with helium helps mitigate nitrogen narcosis, as helium is less narcotic than nitrogen.

At Tech Dive Asia we encourage the use of helium in diving any depth deeper than 45m on either open circuit or on CCR

TDI Trimix & Advanced combined: 9 days. 120,000.

TDI Trimix Diver: 5 days. 59,900.

TDI Sidemount Diver: 5 days. 80,000.

Gas Blender & Advanced Gas Blender

The objective of the TDI NITROX GAS BLENDER course is to equip candidates with the necessary skills, equipment knowledge, and awareness of hazards associated with blending Nitrox gases for recreational scuba diving. This course caters to divers who seek a deeper understanding of their breathing mixtures and the capability to blend gases independently if required. Particularly beneficial for those diving in remote locations or uncertain about the reliability of dive center blenders, self-blending offers added reassurance.

The TDI Advanced Gas Blender course is designed to equip candidates with the necessary skills for safely preparing and blending high-quality gases, including mixtures containing up to 100% Oxygen or Helium.

Participants in this course learn the techniques essential for blending oxygen and helium-based gases, specifically tailored for technical diving applications. Over the course of a full day, students master the intricacies of blending Nitrox and Trimix gases to exacting standards, both in controlled blending facilities and real-world field conditions.

For scuba instructors, undertaking this course, alongside O2 Service technician training, significantly enhances employment prospects. These certifications showcase advanced skills and expertise, positioning instructors favorably in the job market.

TDI Gas Blender: 1 day. 9,500.
Day 1: Classroom / Workshop

TDI Advanced Gas Blender: 2 days. 14,900.
Day 1/2: Classroom Workshop

Other TDI courses include:

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