RAID Technical Diving Courses

Raid Technical Diving

RAID is the new boy on the block when it comes to teaching Technical Diving but that is not without some advantages. The Training material is up to date with all the latest diving methodology and a full range of courses on eLearning.

Instructor courses are available through our RAID Instructor Trainer Claus Rasmussen


The RAID Sidemount diver program has been developed to work in conjunction with both recreational and technical diving. In this program, you will learn how to safely use a single sidemount cylinder system and also the twin (left and right) cylinder configuration.

Deco 40

The RAID Deco 40 Program available in Phuket Thailand through Tech Dive Asia. It teaches you the use of EAN 21 through 100% Oxygen to plan and execute limited single gas decompression dives and multi gas No-Decompression dives to a depth of 130fsw/40msw.

Deco 40 is designed as a bridge between recreational diving and technical diving. And it can be done using a slightly modified recreational configuration. If done in Sidemount or Twinset configuration it can count towards the Deco 50 level.

Deco 50

TheRAID Deco 50 Program is available at our Technical Diving Centre in Phuket Thailand. RAIDs Deco 50 course is set as the first true technical level in the RAID OC system.

The program focus is on the configuration and utilization of a full technical rig and the mastery of the skills needed to conduct safe decompression dives to a maximumcourses depth of 50m and with a maximum of 30 minutes decompression using a single decompression gas.

Deco 60

The RAID Deco 60 COURSE is available in Phuket Thailand. It is the natural progression from the Deco 50 course, and trains divers to competently and safely utilize breathing gasses containing helium for dives that require staged decompression, while utilizing 2 optimized Nitrox and/or Oxygen mixtures during decompression to a maximum depth of 200fsw/60msw.

Trimix is a blend of three gasses, oxygen, nitrogen and Helium. The Deco 60 Course is a Normoxic Trimix. Normoxic trimix means it contains a minimum 18% oxygen. By adding Helium to the mix you reduce the narcotic levels. This enables you to dive within air limits with reduced narcosis levels.

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